Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Winslow Homer - Paintings

Winslow Homer was a famous American illustrator and landscape painter of the 19th century.
Born on February 24, 1836 in Boston, MA.
Died on September 29, 1910 at Prout's Neck, Scarborough , Maine.
In 1866, the trained lithographer Winslow Homer, who, in his early years, had been working as an illustrator for American newspapers, was admitted to the Academy due to his reporting drawings "Prisoners from the Front" showing the horror of the Civil War. Winslow Homer, who got to know the painters of the Barbizon School during a trip to France, remained stuck to landscape painting with figure scenes pervaded by psychological tension. His late work, from which marine images depicting the loneliness of the human being are best known, was influenced by the landscape of the coast of Maine, where the artist had moved to in 1882.
Winslow Homer

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Game of Croquet
A Game of Croquet

Winslow Homer - paintings - Doppeltreffer

Winslow Homer - paintings - Breezing Up
Breezing Up

Winslow Homer - paintings - The Gulf Stream
The Gulf Stream

Winslow Homer - paintings - After the Hurricane
After the Hurricane

Winslow Homer - paintings - The Fog Warning
The Fog Warning

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Basket of Clams
A Basket of Clams

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Garden in Nassau
A Garden in Nassau

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Brook Trout
A Brook Trout

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Quiet Pool on a Sunny Day
A Quiet Pool on a Sunny Day

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Rainy Day in Camp
A Rainy Day in Camp

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Sloop at a Wharf, Gloucester
A Sloop at a Wharf, Gloucester

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Summer Night
A Summer Night

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Temperance Meeting
A Temperance Meeting

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Visit from the Old Mistress
A Visit from the Old Mistress

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Voice from the Cliffs
A Voice from the Cliffs

Winslow Homer - paintings - A Wall, Nassau
A Wall, Nassau

Winslow Homer - paintings - Adirondack Lake
Adirondack Lake

Winslow Homer - paintings - After the Hunt
After the Hunt

Winslow Homer - paintings - Along the Road, Bahamas
Along the Road, Bahamas

Winslow Homer - paintings - Among the Vegetables
Among the Vegetables

Winslow Homer - paintings - An Adirondack Lake
An Adirondack Lake

Winslow Homer - paintings - An Afterglow
An Afterglow

Winslow Homer - paintings - An October Day
An October Day

Winslow Homer - paintings - Answering the Horn
Answering the Horn

Winslow Homer - paintings - Apple Picking
Apple Picking

Winslow Homer - paintings - Artists Sketching in the White Mountains
Artists Sketching in the White Mountains

Winslow Homer - paintings - At Tampa
At Tampa

Winslow Homer - paintings - At the Well
At the Well

Winslow Homer - paintings - At the Window
At the Window

Winslow Homer - paintings - Autumn, Mountainville, New York
Autumn, Mountainville, New York

Winslow Homer - paintings - Autumn

Winslow Homer - paintings - Beach Scene
Beach Scene

Winslow Homer - paintings - Beach Scene, Cullercoats
Beach Scene, Cullercoats

Winslow Homer - paintings - Black Bass, Florida
Black Bass, Florida

Winslow Homer - paintings - Blackboard

Winslow Homer - paintings - Boy and Girl on a Hillside
Boy and Girl on a Hillside

Winslow Homer - paintings - Boy Fishing
Boy Fishing

Winslow Homer - paintings - Boy in a Boatyard
Boy in a Boatyard

Winslow Homer - paintings - Boy with Anchor
Boy with Anchor

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Winslow Homer - paintings

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