Gemälde - Ölgemälde

William Powell Frith - Paintings

William Powell Frith was a recognized English painter of the Victorian era, honored with numerous medals, who first did not want to start an artistic career.
Born: 19 January 1819 in Aldfield, North Yorkshire
Died: 09 November 1909 in London
William Powell Frith, whose art-loving parents push him into a painter's career, completes his education at the Royal Academy School in London. After initial attempts to find his style in portrait and genre painting, from 1850, Frith starts to get enthusiastic about the depiction of everyday crowd scenes. Now, panoramic paintings are produced that show huge crowds during festivities and leisure activities. Overwhelmed by national awards, he quickly also gains international honors. His pleasing, large-format paintings impress with their exhilarating, almost stage-like character. Even in his late work, William Powell Frith remains faithful to the Victorian art style, and firmly attacks contemporary and new aspirations like the Pre-Raphaelite movement as well as Impressionism.
William Powell Frith

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Boy and a Girl with Hounds
A Boy and a Girl with Hounds

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Dream of the Future
A Dream of the Future

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Private View at the Royal Academy
A Private View at the Royal Academy

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Royal Princess
A Royal Princess

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Scene from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
A Scene from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme

William Powell Frith - paintings - A Tenby Prawn Seller
A Tenby Prawn Seller

William Powell Frith - paintings - After the Bath
After the Bath

William Powell Frith - paintings - An artist's model seated in a cluttered studio
An artist's model seated in a cluttered studio

William Powell Frith - paintings - An English Merrymaking a Hundred Years Ago
An English Merrymaking a Hundred Years Ago

William Powell Frith - paintings - An Incident in the Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montague
An Incident in the Life of Lady Mary Wortley Montague

William Powell Frith - paintings - Annie Gambart
Annie Gambart

William Powell Frith - paintings - At my window, Boulogne
At my window, Boulogne

William Powell Frith - paintings - At the Opera
At the Opera

William Powell Frith - paintings - Augustus Egg
Augustus Egg

William Powell Frith - paintings - Before Dinner at Boswell's Lodging
Before Dinner at Boswell's Lodging

William Powell Frith - paintings - Claude Duval
Claude Duval

William Powell Frith - paintings - Coming of Age in the Olden Time
Coming of Age in the Olden Time

William Powell Frith - paintings - Dolly Varden
Dolly Varden

William Powell Frith - paintings - Dolly Varden
Dolly Varden

William Powell Frith - paintings - Eastham Ferry Boat
Eastham Ferry Boat

William Powell Frith - paintings - English Archers
English Archers

William Powell Frith - paintings - Fear

William Powell Frith - paintings - Flower Seller
Flower Seller

William Powell Frith - paintings - For Better, For Worse
For Better, For Worse

William Powell Frith - paintings - Hogarth Brought before the Governor of Calais as a Spy
Hogarth Brought before the Governor of Calais as a Spy

William Powell Frith - paintings - Hope

William Powell Frith - paintings - Hugh and Dolly Varden
Hugh and Dolly Varden

William Powell Frith - paintings - In Naples, Portrait of the Artist
In Naples, Portrait of the Artist

William Powell Frith - paintings - Isabelle Asleep
Isabelle Asleep

William Powell Frith - paintings - Isabelle Frith Reading
Isabelle Frith Reading

William Powell Frith - paintings - Isabelle Frith, reclining
Isabelle Frith, reclining

William Powell Frith - paintings - John Knox Reproving Mary, Queen of Scots
John Knox Reproving Mary, Queen of Scots

William Powell Frith - paintings - Jonathan Swift and Vanessa
Jonathan Swift and Vanessa

William Powell Frith - paintings - Lancaster Sands, Lancashire
Lancaster Sands, Lancashire

William Powell Frith - paintings - Landscape with Cattle
Landscape with Cattle

William Powell Frith - paintings - Life at the Seaside
Life at the Seaside

William Powell Frith - paintings - Little Seamstress
Little Seamstress

William Powell Frith - paintings - Lovers' Meeting
Lovers' Meeting

William Powell Frith - paintings - Madame Jourdain Finds Her Husband Entertaining Dorimène and Dorante
Madame Jourdain Finds Her Husband Entertaining Dorimène and Dorante

William Powell Frith - paintings - Many Happy Returns of the Day
Many Happy Returns of the Day

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Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

William Powell Frith - paintings

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