Gemälde - Ölgemälde

William Michael Harnett - Paintings

William Michael Harnett, who mainly became known for his still-life paintings, was an important American painter of Naturalism.
Born on August 10, 1848 in Clonakilty, Ireland.
Died on October 29, 1892 in New York, NY.
Having studied in Philadelphia and New York, William Michael Harnett gained importance with his still lifes, in which he depicted books, weapons and musical instruments in their original sizes. By their great materiality and plasticity, his deceptively realistic depictions of the objects witness his exceptional powers of observation.
William Michael Harnett

William Michael Harnett - paintings - A Mans Table Reversed
A Mans Table Reversed

William Michael Harnett - paintings - A Smoke Backstage
A Smoke Backstage

William Michael Harnett - paintings - A Wooden Basket of Catawba Grapes
A Wooden Basket of Catawba Grapes

William Michael Harnett - paintings - After the Hunt
After the Hunt

William Michael Harnett - paintings - After the Hunt
After the Hunt

William Michael Harnett - paintings - After the Hunt
After the Hunt

William Michael Harnett - paintings - After the Hunt
After the Hunt

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Attention Company
Attention Company

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Cigar Box Pitcher and New York Herald
Cigar Box Pitcher and New York Herald

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Ease

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Emblems of Peace
Emblems of Peace

William Michael Harnett - paintings - For Sundays Dinner
For Sundays Dinner

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Job Lot Cheap
Job Lot Cheap

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Just Dessert
Just Dessert

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Memento Mori (To This Favour)
Memento Mori (To This Favour)

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Mortality and Immortality
Mortality and Immortality

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Mr Hultings Rack Picture
Mr Hultings Rack Picture

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Munich Still Life
Munich Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Munich Still Life
Munich Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Music

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Music and Literature
Music and Literature

William Michael Harnett - paintings - New York Herald, July 11 1880
New York Herald, July 11 1880

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Old Models
Old Models

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Philadelphia Public Ledger
Philadelphia Public Ledger

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Plucked Clean
Plucked Clean

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Secretarys Table
Secretarys Table

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life
Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life
Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life
Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life
Still Life

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life (Violin and Music)
Still Life (Violin and Music)

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life (Violin and Music)
Still Life (Violin and Music)

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Bust of Dante
Still Life with Bust of Dante

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Fruit and Vase
Still Life with Fruit and Vase

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Ginger Jar
Still Life with Ginger Jar

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Le Figaro
Still Life with Le Figaro

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Letter to Thomas B Clarke
Still Life with Letter to Thomas B Clarke

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life with Three Castles Tobacco
Still Life with Three Castles Tobacco

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life Writing Table
Still Life Writing Table

William Michael Harnett - paintings - Still Life, Pipe And Mug
Still Life, Pipe And Mug

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

William Michael Harnett - paintings

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