Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Pieter de Hooch - Paintings

Pieter de Hooch, who had been educated by the landscape painter Nicolas Berchem, is considered one of the greatest Dutch genre and interior painters of the Baroque.
Born on December 20, 1629 in Rotterdam.
Died after 1684 in Amsterdam.
The early work of Pieter de Hooch consists largely of tavern and soldier scenes. Only later did he begin to cover the subjects of the civil life in his interior paintings, using the technique of the conduct of light and the gradation of colors he had learned from Jan Vermeer and Carel Fabritius. Pieter Pieter de Hooch was able to depict the bourgeois everyday life in almost still-life-like arrangements. Doing so, he used bold colors standing in contrast to the very calmed compositions. With his move to Amsterdam in 1661, his work experienced in a significant breach within its theme. Influenced by the French court painting scene, Pieter de Hooch started to paint upper-class companies in their sumptuously decorated chambers.
Pieter de Hooch

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Couple Playing Cards, with a Serving Woman
A Couple Playing Cards, with a Serving Woman

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Dutch Courtyard
A Dutch Courtyard

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Gentleman Reading a Letter to his Wife
A Gentleman Reading a Letter to his Wife

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Man with Dead Birds, and Other Figures, in a Stable
A Man with Dead Birds, and Other Figures, in a Stable

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Music Party
A Music Party

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Musical Conversation
A Musical Conversation

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Musical Party
A Musical Party

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Party
A Party

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A woman and a maid in an interior
A woman and a maid in an interior

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman and Two Men in an Arbour
A Woman and Two Men in an Arbour

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman Drinking with Two Men
A Woman Drinking with Two Men

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman Nursing an Infant with a Child and a Dog
A Woman Nursing an Infant with a Child and a Dog

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy
A Woman Preparing Bread and Butter for a Boy

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman Seated at a Window and a Child in a Doorway
A Woman Seated at a Window and a Child in a Doorway

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman Spinning
A Woman Spinning

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman with a Baby in Her Lap, and a Small Child
A Woman with a Baby in Her Lap, and a Small Child

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - A Woman with a Child in a Pantry
A Woman with a Child in a Pantry

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Bringer of Bad News
Bringer of Bad News

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Card Players at a Table
Card Players at a Table

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room
Cardplayers in a Sunlit Room

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Children in a Doorway with Golf Sticks
Children in a Doorway with Golf Sticks

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Conversation

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Couple with Parrot
Couple with Parrot

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Drinkers in the Bower
Drinkers in the Bower

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Family Making Music
Family Making Music

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Figures in a Courtyard behind a House
Figures in a Courtyard behind a House

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Going for a walk
Going for a walk

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Group Portrait of the Jacob-Hoppesack Family
Group Portrait of the Jacob-Hoppesack Family

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior of a Dutch House
Interior of a Dutch House

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with a Child Feeding a Parrot
Interior with a Child Feeding a Parrot

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with a Woman Knitting, a Serving Woman and a Child
Interior with a Woman Knitting, a Serving Woman and a Child

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with a woman reading and and a child with a hoop
Interior with a woman reading and and a child with a hoop

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with a Young Couple
Interior with a Young Couple

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with Figures
Interior with Figures

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Interior with Women beside a Linen Cupboard
Interior with Women beside a Linen Cupboard

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Man Handing a Letter to a Woman in the Entrance Hall of a House
Man Handing a Letter to a Woman in the Entrance Hall of a House

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Man Offering a Glass of Wine to a Woman
Man Offering a Glass of Wine to a Woman

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Merry Drinker
Merry Drinker

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Mother Lacing Her Bodice beside a Cradle
Mother Lacing Her Bodice beside a Cradle

Pieter de Hooch - paintings - Mother Nursing Her Child
Mother Nursing Her Child

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Pieter de Hooch - paintings

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