Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Peter Paul Rubens - Paintings

Peter Paul Rubens was one of the most important artists of the Flemish Baroque. He was both, a painter and a diplomat of the Spanish Habsburg crown.
Born: 28 June 1577 in Siegen, Nassau-Dillenburg, Holy Roman Empire (today Germany)
Died: 30 May 1640 in Antwerp, Spanish Netherlands (today Belgium)
The painter Peter Paul Rubens, who stems from the educated middle class, is taught by three painters, one of whom is Otto van Veen who may have been the most influential one. At least the early work of Peter Paul Rubens still shows some hints to him. As early as in the year 1600, he travels to Italy and works as a court painter in Mantua. The portrait “Die Geissblattlaube”, which is produced shortly after his return to Antwerp, shows the painter with his first wife, Isabella Brant. Already in 1608, Peter Paul Rubens is well-known and receives numerous orders: he works as court painter to the archduke couple in Brussels, as well as for noble and ecclesiastical clients like the Jesuit Order, for whose Antwerp church, he designs 39 ceiling paintings. Starting from 1620, Peter Paul Rubens has found his very own, very picturesque, pathetically moving style. He develops a great variety of themes: hunting scenes, mythological and historical paintings as well as portraits and religious altar panels. From 1622, the internationally sought-after artist travels to the courts of Spain, England and France where he is highly esteemed and, in some cases, knighted, also from a diplomatic point of view. In the later works, his style slightly changes again: he becomes more colorful and less contrasting in the lighting as well as more characteristic in the portrait painting: the portrait “Helene Fourment in the Wedding Dress” from 1630 shows Rubens’ second wife, dressed in ostentatious dresses, which may also be a hint to the prosperity of her husband.
Peter Paul Rubens

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Abendlandschaft

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Abendliche Landschaft mit Schaefer und Herde
Abendliche Landschaft mit Schaefer und Herde

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Achilles besiegt Hektor
Achilles besiegt Hektor

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Althea Talbo Graefin in Shrewsbury
Althea Talbo Graefin in Shrewsbury

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Old Woman with a Basket of Coal
Old Woman with a Basket of Coal

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Amazonenschlacht

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Armors Ritt auf einem Delphin
Armors Ritt auf einem Delphin

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Anbetung der Heiligen Drei Koenige
Anbetung der Heiligen Drei Koenige

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Ankunft der Maria de Medici in Marseille
Ankunft der Maria de Medici in Marseille

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - The Landing of Marie de' Médici at Marseilles
The Landing of Marie de' Médici at Marseilles

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Apotheose des Herkules
Apotheose des Herkules

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Apotheose Heinrichs IV. und Huldigung Maria de Medicis
Apotheose Heinrichs IV. und Huldigung Maria de Medicis

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Bacchanal auf Andros
Bacchanal auf Andros

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Bacchanal

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Bacchus

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Bathseba am Brunnen
Bathseba am Brunnen

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - The Village Fête
The Village Fête

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Begegnung Abrahams mit Melchisedek
Begegnung Abrahams mit Melchisedek

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Begegnung Abrahams mit Melchisedek
Begegnung Abrahams mit Melchisedek

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Beweihnung Christi
Beweihnung Christi

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Das Fest des Herododes
Das Fest des Herododes

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Das Pelzchen (Portrait der Helene Fourment)
Das Pelzchen (Portrait der Helene Fourment)

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - The Straw Hat
The Straw Hat

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Der Sturz des Phaeton
Der Sturz des Phaeton

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Diana mit Nymphen beim Aufbruch zur Jagd
Diana mit Nymphen beim Aufbruch zur Jagd

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns
Diana and her Nymphs Surprised by the Fauns

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Bluete Frankreichs unter der Regentschaft Marias von Medici
Die Bluete Frankreichs unter der Regentschaft Marias von Medici

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - The Three Graces
The Three Graces

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Glueckseligkeit der Regetschaft der Maria von Medici
Die Glueckseligkeit der Regetschaft der Maria von Medici

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Koenigin flieht aus Blois
Die Koenigin flieht aus Blois

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Regierung der Koenigin (Goetterrat)
Die Regierung der Koenigin (Goetterrat)

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Wunder des Heiligen Franz Xaver
Die Wunder des Heiligen Franz Xaver

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Die Wunder des Heiligen Igantius von Loyola
Die Wunder des Heiligen Igantius von Loyola

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Eberjagd

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Ein Kinderkopf (Portrait der Clara Serena Rubens)
Ein Kinderkopf (Portrait der Clara Serena Rubens)

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Flucht Lots
Flucht Lots

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Friedensschluss in Anger
Friedensschluss in Anger

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Geburt des Dauphin Ludwigs XIII
Geburt des Dauphin Ludwigs XIII

Peter Paul Rubens - paintings - Gefesselter Prometheus
Gefesselter Prometheus

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Peter Paul Rubens - paintings

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