Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Paul Gauguin - Paintings

Paul Gauguin, whose art greatly influenced the various styles of the 20th century, was one of the most important painters, sculptors and graphic artists of France.
Born on June 07, 1848 in Paris.
Died on May 08, 1903 in Atuona Hiva-Oa, South Pacific.
Influenced by the Impressionist Pissarro, Paul Gauguin only began to paint in 1871. He exhibited his works at the Salon already in 1881 and had contacts with the leading artists of his time. His work had major influence on Kandinsky, due to the development of Synthetism: for painters of "Die Brücke" through new techniques in the woodcut and for the Expressionists of their handling of line, surface and color, whose symbol and own value is defined by it. However, Paul Gauguin became famous for his later work of rich colors, which is created on the island of Tahiti, where he lived from 1895 until his death.
Paul Gauguin

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Women from Arles in the Public Garden, the Mistral
Women from Arles in the Public Garden, the Mistral

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Am Meer (Fatata te miti)
Am Meer (Fatata te miti)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Annah the Javanese
Annah the Javanese

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Ansteigender Weg in Osny
Ansteigender Weg in Osny

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Joyeusete (Arearea)
Joyeusete (Arearea)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Badende bei der Muehle
Badende bei der Muehle

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Badende bretonische Knaben
Badende bretonische Knaben

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Badende

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bauernhaus in Arles
Bauernhaus in Arles

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Berge auf Tahiti
Berge auf Tahiti

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Blaue Daecher bei Rouen
Blaue Daecher bei Rouen

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Blick auf den Sainte Marguerite
Blick auf den Sainte Marguerite

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Blumenvase am Fenster
Blumenvase am Fenster

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Two Breton Women on the Road
Two Breton Women on the Road

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bretonische Landschaft mit Schweinehirt
Bretonische Landschaft mit Schweinehirt

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bretonische Landschaft
Bretonische Landschaft

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bretonischer Gaensehirt
Bretonischer Gaensehirt

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bretonischer Schaefer
Bretonischer Schaefer

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Breton Shepherdess
Breton Shepherdess

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Bretonisches Dorf im Schnee
Bretonisches Dorf im Schnee

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Barbarous Tales
Barbarous Tales

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der dicke Baum (Te burao)
Der dicke Baum (Te burao)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - The Spirit of the Dead Keep Watch
The Spirit of the Dead Keep Watch

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - The Yellow Christ
The Yellow Christ

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der grosse Baum (Te raau rahi)
Der grosse Baum (Te raau rahi)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der gruene Christus
Der gruene Christus

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der Mann mit der Axt
Der Mann mit der Axt

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Ta Mataete (We Shell not go to Market Today)
Ta Mataete (We Shell not go to Market Today)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Breton Girls Dancing, Pont-Aven
Breton Girls Dancing, Pont-Aven

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der Ruf
Der Ruf

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der Schimmel
Der Schimmel

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der Schinken
Der Schinken

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - The Four Breton Girls
The Four Breton Girls

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - The Dream (Te rerioa)
The Dream (Te rerioa)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Der Zauberer von Hiva Oa
Der Zauberer von Hiva Oa

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Die David Muehle in Pont Aven
Die David Muehle in Pont Aven

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Woman with a Flower
Woman with a Flower

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Ford (Running Away)
Ford (Running Away)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - The Meal (The Bananas)
The Meal (The Bananas)

Paul Gauguin  - paintings - Die Mas von Arles
Die Mas von Arles

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Paul Gauguin - paintings

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