Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Nicolae Grigorescu - Paintings

Nicolae Grigorescu was an important Romanian painter of Impressionism His uncle and brother were also artistically active.
Born: 15 May 1838 in Pitaru
Died: 21 July 1907 in Câmpina
Nicolae Grigorescu receives his education both from his relatives and from Anton Chladek and in Paris. He engages in the family tradition of icon painting. It is not until 1862 that he becomes acquainted with French Impressionism and the artists of Barbizon School. Inspired by their plein air painting, he begins to paint landscapes and peasant genre scenes as soon as he returns to Romania. After participating in the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire as a soldier, he moves to Bucharest at the age of 49. There he creates the paintings that earn him the reputation he has today: that he was the most important Romanian Impressionist.
Nicolae Grigorescu

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Akt

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Alte Frau aus Brolles
Alte Frau aus Brolles

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Am Seineufer
Am Seineufer

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Baeuerin aus Muscel
Baeuerin aus Muscel

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Baeuerin mit Krug
Baeuerin mit Krug

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Bretonischer Bettler
Bretonischer Bettler

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Catinca

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Felsen von Fontainbleau
Felsen von Fontainbleau

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Fischerin aus Granville
Fischerin aus Granville

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Flickende alte Frau
Flickende alte Frau

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Franzoesische Baeuerin mit Sack auf dem Ruecken
Franzoesische Baeuerin mit Sack auf dem Ruecken

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Frau in Rucar
Frau in Rucar

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Gebirgsbewohner

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Gefangenenzug

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Gemaeldeliebhaber

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Haeuslicher Herd in Rucar
Haeuslicher Herd in Rucar

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Heimkehr vom Jahrmarkt
Heimkehr vom Jahrmarkt

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Hof eines Bauernhauses
Hof eines Bauernhauses

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Hora

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Im Atelier
Im Atelier

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Interieur in Vitre
Interieur in Vitre

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Italiener auf dem Pincio Huegel (Rom)
Italiener auf dem Pincio Huegel (Rom)

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Jahrmarkt in Sinaia
Jahrmarkt in Sinaia

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Jahrmarkt

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Jude mit Gans
Jude mit Gans

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Kaftanjude

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Katholische Kirche in Cimpulung
Katholische Kirche in Cimpulung

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Kleines Maedchen
Kleines Maedchen

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Kopf einer jungen Baeuerin
Kopf einer jungen Baeuerin

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Landschaft

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Maedchen im Spiegel
Maedchen im Spiegel

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Maedchen vor der Pforte
Maedchen vor der Pforte

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Maedchenkopf

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Mutterschaft

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Nachdenklicher Mann
Nachdenklicher Mann

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Ochsenwagen in der Furt
Ochsenwagen in der Furt

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Portraet der Alexandrina Filionescu
Portraet der Alexandrina Filionescu

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Portraet der Frau Alexianu
Portraet der Frau Alexianu

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Portraet des Dr. D. Grecescu
Portraet des Dr. D. Grecescu

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings - Portraet des Grossbanu Nasturel Herescu
Portraet des Grossbanu Nasturel Herescu

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Nicolae Grigorescu - paintings

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