Gemälde - Ölgemälde

John Singleton Copley - Paintings

John Singleton Copley is considered the most important American painter of historical pictures and portraits in colonial times.
Born on July 03, 1738 in Boston, MA.
Died on September 09, 1815 in London.
Self-taught John Singleton Copley, who was educated by his stepfather, Peter Pelham, and teaches himself by means of prints of other Italian masters, promotes to a popular portrait painter, even in Europe. After trying out his talent with historical paintings and paintings with religious themes in Europe, Copley settled in London from 1775. Here he made a name for himself above all with his psychological infused group portraits.
John Singleton Copley

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Baron Graham
Baron Graham

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Boy with a Squirrel (Henry Pelham)
Boy with a Squirrel (Henry Pelham)

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Charles Callis Western and his Brother Shirley Western
Charles Callis Western and his Brother Shirley Western

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Clark Gyton (Admiral of the White)
Clark Gyton (Admiral of the White)

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Gulian Verplanck
Gulian Verplanck

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mrs. Elizabeth Coffin Armory
Mrs. Elizabeth Coffin Armory

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mrs. John Winthrop
Mrs. John Winthrop

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Samuel Verplanck
Samuel Verplanck

John Singleton Copley - paintings - unknown

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Daniel Crommelin Verplanck
Daniel Crommelin Verplanck

John Singleton Copley - paintings - The Death of a Major
The Death of a Major

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Enenezer Storer
Enenezer Storer

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Eleazer Tyng
Eleazer Tyng

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Elkanah Watson
Elkanah Watson

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Epes Sargent II.
Epes Sargent II.

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Head of a Negro
Head of a Negro

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Henry Laurens
Henry Laurens

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Hugh Hall
Hugh Hall

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Isaac Smith
Isaac Smith

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Jeremiah Lee
Jeremiah Lee

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John the 2nd Viscount Dudley and Ward
John the 2nd Viscount Dudley and Ward

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John Bours
John Bours

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John Hancock
John Hancock

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John Hancock
John Hancock

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John Montresor
John Montresor

John Singleton Copley - paintings - John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Joseph Sherbume
Joseph Sherbume

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Lemuel Cox
Lemuel Cox

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Lydia Lynde
Lydia Lynde

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Major Hugh Montgomerie
Major Hugh Montgomerie

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Martin Howard
Martin Howard

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mary and Elizabeth Royall
Mary and Elizabeth Royall

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Midshipman Augustus Brine
Midshipman Augustus Brine

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Miles Sherbrook
Miles Sherbrook

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Moses Gill
Moses Gill

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow Jemina Debuke
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winslow Jemina Debuke

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard Alice Delancey
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Izard Alice Delancey

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin Sarah Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin Sarah Morris

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mrs. Clark Gayton
Mrs. Clark Gayton

John Singleton Copley - paintings - Mrs. Daniel Denison Rogers Abigail Bromfield
Mrs. Daniel Denison Rogers Abigail Bromfield

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

John Singleton Copley - paintings

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