Gemälde - Ölgemälde

John Constable - Paintings

John Constable was an English landscape painter of the 19th century who was highly esteemed in France.
Born on June 11, 1776 in East Bergholt, Suffolk.
Died on March 31, 1837 in London.
With the support of the art collector Sir George Beaumont, John Constable studied under Benjamin West at the Royal Academy. At first, his early work consisted of history paintings and of some religious works, before reaching his true genre of landscape painting. In his cloud studies, which he created from 1821 onwards, his ability of exact observation of nature was revealed. Even though his paintings remained focused on romantic content, he found his way to an almost impressionistic style of painting, using spatula and great emotion in the ductus for his work.
John Constable

John Constable - paintings - Blick auf die Waterloo Bruecke von Whitehall Stairs
Blick auf die Waterloo Bruecke von Whitehall Stairs

John Constable - paintings - Blick auf Epsom
Blick auf Epsom

John Constable - paintings - Blick auf Highgate
Blick auf Highgate

John Constable - paintings - Blumen in einer Glasvase
Blumen in einer Glasvase

John Constable - paintings - Boote auf dem Stour
Boote auf dem Stour

John Constable - paintings - Boat Building
Boat Building

John Constable - paintings - Flatford Mill
Flatford Mill

John Constable - paintings - Das Kornfeld
Das Kornfeld

John Constable - paintings - The Leaping Horse
The Leaping Horse

John Constable - paintings - View of Dedham
View of Dedham

John Constable - paintings - Das Waterloo Fest in East Bergholt
Das Waterloo Fest in East Bergholt

John Constable - paintings - Dedham Vale
Dedham Vale

John Constable - paintings - Der Heuwagen
Der Heuwagen

John Constable - paintings - The Hay Wain
The Hay Wain

John Constable - paintings - Weymouth Bay
Weymouth Bay

John Constable - paintings - Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishops' Grounds
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishops' Grounds

John Constable - paintings - Die Kathedrale von Salisbury
Die Kathedrale von Salisbury

John Constable - paintings - Die Valley Farm
Die Valley Farm

John Constable - paintings - Hadleight Castle
Hadleight Castle

John Constable - paintings - Landweg

John Constable - paintings - Malvern Hall
Malvern Hall

John Constable - paintings - Maria Bicknell
Maria Bicknell

John Constable - paintings - Schleuse und Muehle in Dedham
Schleuse und Muehle in Dedham

John Constable - paintings - Seepromenade und Haengebruecke von Brighton
Seepromenade und Haengebruecke von Brighton

John Constable - paintings - Seestueck mit Regenwolken
Seestueck mit Regenwolken

John Constable - paintings - Brighton Beach with Colliers
Brighton Beach with Colliers

John Constable - paintings - Weymouth Bay, with Jordan Hill
Weymouth Bay, with Jordan Hill

John Constable - paintings - Wivenhoe Park
Wivenhoe Park

John Constable - paintings - Zirruswolken

John Constable - paintings - A Boat Passing a Lock
A Boat Passing a Lock

John Constable - paintings - A Church Porch
A Church Porch

John Constable - paintings - A Cottage in a Cornfield
A Cottage in a Cornfield

John Constable - paintings - A Hayfield at East Bergholt
A Hayfield at East Bergholt

John Constable - paintings - A View on the Stour near Dedham
A View on the Stour near Dedham

John Constable - paintings - A Water Mill
A Water Mill

John Constable - paintings - Branch Hill Pond Hampstead
Branch Hill Pond Hampstead

John Constable - paintings - Chain Pier, Brighton
Chain Pier, Brighton

John Constable - paintings - Cottage, Rainbow, Mill
Cottage, Rainbow, Mill

John Constable - paintings - Dedham Vale Morning
Dedham Vale Morning

John Constable - paintings - East Bergholt Rectory
East Bergholt Rectory

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

John Constable - paintings

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