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Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - Paintings

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot was a French portrait and landscape painter of Realism and educated in the style of Nicolas Poussin. He is considered a pioneer of Impressionism.
Born on July 16, 1796 in Paris.
Died on February 22, 1875 in Paris.
Camille Corot's atmospheric landscape depictions charm by their unsurpassed ease, clear compositions and scenic lighting. By means of the fine shading of color and the subordination of the form under the design of atmosphere, both his landscapes and the partly mythological, partly religious portrait depictions appear in their corresponding individual mood. From about 1830, Corot's choice of colors, which had been affected by several trips to Italy, changed from ocher yellow and light shades of blue to increasingly grey and airily shimmering colors. With this highly poetic style of painting, he is considered as groundbreaking for the early Impressionist painters.
Jean Baptiste Camille Corot

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Cow and its Keepers
A Cow and its Keepers

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Dune at Dunkirk
A Dune at Dunkirk

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Shady Resting Place
A Shady Resting Place

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Village near Beauvais
A Village near Beauvais

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Village Street Dardagny
A Village Street Dardagny

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - A Windmill in Montmartre
A Windmill in Montmartre

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - An Orchard at Harvest Time
An Orchard at Harvest Time

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Arbres Tordus Sur Une Crete
Arbres Tordus Sur Une Crete

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - The Drocourt Mill on the Sensee
The Drocourt Mill on the Sensee

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Avignon seen from Villenevue les Avignon
Avignon seen from Villenevue les Avignon

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Banks of a River
Banks of a River

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Basilica of Constantine
Basilica of Constantine

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Bell Tower of the Church of Saint Paterne at Orleans
Bell Tower of the Church of Saint Paterne at Orleans

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Between Lake Geneva and the Alps
Between Lake Geneva and the Alps

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Boid Guillaumi near Rouen (A Gate Flanked by two Posts)
Boid Guillaumi near Rouen (A Gate Flanked by two Posts)

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Breton Women at the Fountain
Breton Women at the Fountain

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Canal in Picardi
Canal in Picardi

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Civita Castellana and Mount Soracte
Civita Castellana and Mount Soracte

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Civita castelland Buildings High in the Rocks
Civita castelland Buildings High in the Rocks

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Cowherd by the Water
Cowherd by the Water

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Road in the Country
Road in the Country

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Democrito e gli Abderiti
Democrito e gli Abderiti

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Diana Surprised at her Bath
Diana Surprised at her Bath

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Dunkerque

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Entrance to a Chalet in the Bernese Oberland
Entrance to a Chalet in the Bernese Oberland

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Evening Distant Tower
Evening Distant Tower

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Evening Landscape (The Ferryman Evening)
Evening Landscape (The Ferryman Evening)

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Young Girl Writing
Young Girl Writing

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - First Leaves near Nantes
First Leaves near Nantes

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Fisherman Boating along a wooded Landscape
Fisherman Boating along a wooded Landscape

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - The Boboli Gardens (Florence)
The Boboli Gardens (Florence)

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Fontainebleau Black Oaks of Bras Breau
Fontainebleau Black Oaks of Bras Breau

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Storm over the Plains
Storm over the Plains

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - The Bas Breau Road
The Bas Breau Road

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - The Raging One
The Raging One

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Forum Viewed from the Farnese Gardens
Forum Viewed from the Farnese Gardens

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Gardens of the Villa d Este at Tivoli
Gardens of the Villa d Este at Tivoli

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Geneva View of Part of the City
Geneva View of Part of the City

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Genzano Goatherd and Village
Genzano Goatherd and Village

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings - Gisors Riviere Bordee d Arbres
Gisors Riviere Bordee d Arbres

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Jean Baptiste Camille Corot - paintings

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