Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Jacob Jordaens - Paintings

Jacob Jordaens, who had been working in the workshop of his contemporary and idol Peter Paul Rubens for a short time, had the reputation to be the greatest Baroque painters of Flanders besides the latter and Anthonis van Dyck.
Born on May 19, 1593 in Antwerp.
Died on October 18, 1678 in Antwerp.
Jacob Jordaens's early work still showed very Mannerist-like traits. From 1617, he began to deal with the works of Caravaggio, Bassano and his fellow painter Peter Paul Rubens, in whose workshop he worked 1618/1619. The paintings of the convinced Calvinist Jacob Jordaens, which are full of blazing vitality, were highly sought after by Philipp IV and both, in his home country and abroad. In addition to large history paintings, he also preferred folk-style scenes and allegories, which with their moral content almost fall under the concept of genre pictures. In his later work, Jacob Jordaens decreased the great emotion of his spacious picture compositions of the 1620s a little and changed towards a rather dry style with weaker colors.
Jacob Jordaens

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - A Maidservant with a Basket of Fruit and Two Lovers
A Maidservant with a Basket of Fruit and Two Lovers

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Abduction of Europa
Abduction of Europa

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Adoration of the Shepherds
Adoration of the Shepherds

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Allegory of the Poet
Allegory of the Poet

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - An Allegory of Fruitfulness
An Allegory of Fruitfulness

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - An Offering to Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest
An Offering to Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Apollo as Victor over Pan
Apollo as Victor over Pan

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - As the Old Sang, so the Young Pipe
As the Old Sang, so the Young Pipe

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Bacchus Discovering Ariadne
Bacchus Discovering Ariadne

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Bean King
Bean King

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Beweinung Christi
Beweinung Christi

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple
Christ Driving the Merchants from the Temple

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Circe and Odysseus
Circe and Odysseus

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Cleopatra's Feast
Cleopatra's Feast

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Crucifixion

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Das Füllhorn
Das Füllhorn

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Daughters of Kekrops Finding Erichthonios
Daughters of Kekrops Finding Erichthonios

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Der Bacchusknabe
Der Bacchusknabe

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Der gefesselte Prometheus
Der gefesselte Prometheus

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Der Satyr beim Bauern
Der Satyr beim Bauern

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Diana and Actaeon
Diana and Actaeon

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Die Anbetung der Hirten
Die Anbetung der Hirten

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Die Hochzeit von Peleus und Thetis
Die Hochzeit von Peleus und Thetis

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Die Kindheit des Jupiter
Die Kindheit des Jupiter

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Die Versuchung der Heiligen Maria Magdalena
Die Versuchung der Heiligen Maria Magdalena

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Diogenes Searching for an Honest Man
Diogenes Searching for an Honest Man

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Drei Straßenmusikanten
Drei Straßenmusikanten

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Eine Levade, präsentiert vor Mars, Merkur, Venus und einem Rittmeister
Eine Levade, präsentiert vor Mars, Merkur, Venus und einem Rittmeister

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Fall of Man
Fall of Man

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Job

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Lapiths and the Centaurs
Lapiths and the Centaurs

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Marsyas Ill-treated by the Muses
Marsyas Ill-treated by the Muses

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Meleager and Atalanta
Meleager and Atalanta

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Meleager and Atalanta
Meleager and Atalanta

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Merkur und Argus
Merkur und Argus

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Moses Striking Water from the Rock
Moses Striking Water from the Rock

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Neptune Creating the Horse
Neptune Creating the Horse

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Nymphs at the Fountain of Love
Nymphs at the Fountain of Love

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Old Satyr Holding a Flute
Old Satyr Holding a Flute

Jacob Jordaens - paintings - Pan (Flötenspielender Satyr)
Pan (Flötenspielender Satyr)

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Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Jacob Jordaens - paintings

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