Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Hans Memling - Paintings

Hans Memling (also called Jan van Memmelyughe or Johannes Memmelinc) was a major painter between late Gothic and Renaissance, allocated to the Netherlands.
Born around 1433 in Seligenstadt near Aschaffenburg.
Died in 1494 in Bruges.
In 1467, Hans Memling, who was most likely a pupil of Rogier van der Weyden, became a Member of the Guild of St. Luke in Bruges. Although his early work was very influenced by Dirk Bouts and Rogier Van der Weyden, he surpassed them with his compositional and formal denser late work. Hans Memling created many large altarpieces. Although one of his earliest works, "The Last Judgment" altarpiece (completed in 1472, National Museum of Gdansk), was still dominated by the style of Rogier van der Weyden, it already showed Memling's detailed style. In addition to the exact reproduction of materiality, the introduction of framing architecture and great local coloring in the work of Hans Memling, especially the very individually characterized figures are to be mentioned. The artist is therefore set at the beginning of the Renaissance. Due to his reputation as a particularly gifted portraitist, he soon is considered the richest man in Bruges.
Hans Memling

Hans Memling  - paintings - Adoration of the Magi
Adoration of the Magi

Hans Memling  - paintings - Advent and Triumph of Christ
Advent and Triumph of Christ

Hans Memling  - paintings - Allegory with a Virgin
Allegory with a Virgin

Hans Memling  - paintings - Bathsheba

Hans Memling  - paintings - Christ Giving his Blessing
Christ Giving his Blessing

Hans Memling  - paintings - Christ Giving his Blessing
Christ Giving his Blessing

Hans Memling  - paintings - Diptych of Jean de Cellier
Diptych of Jean de Cellier

Hans Memling  - paintings - Diptych of Jean de Cellier
Diptych of Jean de Cellier

Hans Memling  - paintings - Diptych of Martin Van Niewenhove I
Diptych of Martin Van Niewenhove I

Hans Memling  - paintings - Diptych of Martin Van Niewenhove II
Diptych of Martin Van Niewenhove II

Hans Memling  - paintings - Lamentation

Hans Memling  - paintings - Man of Sorrows
Man of Sorrows

Hans Memling  - paintings - Marian Flowerpiece
Marian Flowerpiece

Hans Memling  - paintings - Marriage of St. Catherine
Marriage of St. Catherine

Hans Memling  - paintings - Mater Dolorosa
Mater Dolorosa

Hans Memling  - paintings - Nativity

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Man at Prayer before a Landscape
Portrait of a Man at Prayer before a Landscape

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Man with a Roman Coin
Portrait of a Man with a Roman Coin

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Man with an Arrow
Portrait of a Man with an Arrow

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Young Man infront Landscape
Portrait of a Young Man infront Landscape

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of a Young Wife
Portrait of a Young Wife

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of an Old Man
Portrait of an Old Man

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of an Old Wife
Portrait of an Old Wife

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of an Old Wife
Portrait of an Old Wife

Hans Memling  - paintings - Portrait of Gilles Joye
Portrait of Gilles Joye

Hans Memling  - paintings - Scenes from the Passion of Christ
Scenes from the Passion of Christ

Hans Memling  - paintings - St. Veronica
St. Veronica

Hans Memling  - paintings - The Archangel Michael
The Archangel Michael

Hans Memling  - paintings - The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian
The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian

Hans Memling  - paintings - The Presentation in the Temple
The Presentation in the Temple

Hans Memling  - paintings - The Virgin Showing the Man of Sorrows
The Virgin Showing the Man of Sorrows

Hans Memling  - paintings - Triptych

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin and Child Enthroned
Virgin and Child Enthroned

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin and Child Enthroned with two Musical Angels
Virgin and Child Enthroned with two Musical Angels

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin and Child in a Rose Garden with Two Angels
Virgin and Child in a Rose Garden with Two Angels

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin and Child with Musican Angels
Virgin and Child with Musican Angels

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin and Child with Saint Anthony the Abbot and a Donor
Virgin and Child with Saint Anthony the Abbot and a Donor

Hans Memling  - paintings - Virgin Enthroned with Child and Angel
Virgin Enthroned with Child and Angel

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Hans Memling - paintings

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