Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Gustave Caillebotte - Paintings

Gustave Caillebotte is considered an important patron and collector of Impressionists as well as an important sponsor of modern art. He was also a gifted French painter of Impressionism.
Born on August 19, 1848 in Paris.
Died on February 21, 1894 in Petit-Gennevilliers near Paris.
After receiving his law degree, Gustave Caillebotte is educated by the painter Léon Bonnat. He was lucky to come from a wealthy family, which means that during lifetime, he had never been dependent on earning his living with his art. A friend of Edgar Degas, Claude Monet and Pierre Auguste Renoir, he was a great financial help for these young artist who were often treated with hostility. He sponsored the organization of Expressionist exhibitions. Gustave Caillebotte himself painted cityscapes, landscapes and scenes of bourgeois life in the Impressionist style and participated in many exhibitions. Due to his passion for sailing sports, many regatta paintings can be found among his works. Even though his work was praised only after his death, his name had become famous in relation with his generous donation of 67 Impressionist paintings to the French state, which only accepted the exhibition provisions after many negotiations. This action alone shows Caillebotte's great significance as a supporter of the Impressionists.
Gustave Caillebotte

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - A Road Near Naples
A Road Near Naples

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - A Young Man at his Window
A Young Man at his Window

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Boater Pulling on his Perissoire
Boater Pulling on his Perissoire

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Boathouse in Argenteuil
Boathouse in Argenteuil

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Boating on the Yerres
Boating on the Yerres

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Boating Party
Boating Party

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Boulevard Haussmann Snow
Boulevard Haussmann Snow

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Bridge of Europe
Bridge of Europe

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - The Yerres Rain (Riverbank in the Rain)
The Yerres Rain (Riverbank in the Rain)

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Cliff at Villers sur Mer
Cliff at Villers sur Mer

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Display of Chickens and Game Birds
Display of Chickens and Game Birds

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Factories at Argenteuil
Factories at Argenteuil

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Floor Strippers
Floor Strippers

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Game Birds and Lemons
Game Birds and Lemons

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Game of Bezique
Game of Bezique

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Hors D Oeuvre
Hors D Oeuvre

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - In a Cafe
In a Cafe

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Interior

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Interior of a Studio with Stove
Interior of a Studio with Stove

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Interior

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Man in a Smock (Father Magloire on the Road between Saint Claire and Etretat)
Man in a Smock (Father Magloire on the Road between Saint Claire and Etretat)

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Melon and Bowl of Figs
Melon and Bowl of Figs

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Naked Women Lying on a Couch
Naked Women Lying on a Couch

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Norman Landscape
Norman Landscape

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Oarsmen

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Paris Street
Paris Street

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - The Canoes
The Canoes

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of Madame Martial Caillebote
Portrait of Madame Martial Caillebote

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of Henri Cordier
Portrait of Henri Cordier

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of Jules Dubois
Portrait of Jules Dubois

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of Jules Richemont
Portrait of Jules Richemont

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Portrait of Paul Hugot
Portrait of Paul Hugot

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Regatta at Argenteuil
Regatta at Argenteuil

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Rising Road
Rising Road

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Rooftops under Snow
Rooftops under Snow

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Rue Halevy seen from the Sixth Floor
Rue Halevy seen from the Sixth Floor

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Sailing Boats at Argenteuil
Sailing Boats at Argenteuil

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Self Portrait
Self Portrait

Gustave Caillebotte  - paintings - Self Portrait with Easel
Self Portrait with Easel

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Gustave Caillebotte - paintings

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