Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Gerhard ter Borch - Paintings

Gerhard ter Borch (also known as Gerard Terburg) is considered an important Dutch genre and portrait painter of Baroque of the 17th century.
Born: in December 1617 in Zwolle, Dutch Republic
Died: 08 December 1681 in Deventer, Dutch Republic
Inspired by his teacher Pieter de Molijn, Gerard ter Borch firstly engages in landscape painting. After some travelling among others through Italy, England and France, from 1640, he turns to genre painting. Also, his portraits, which he starts to paint from 1660 onwards, continue to include reference points to the genre, in addition to the bourgeois-looking premises.
Gerhard ter Borch

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Woman Writing a Letter
Woman Writing a Letter

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Dame bei der Toilette
Dame bei der Toilette

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Woman Washing Hands
Woman Washing Hands

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Concert
The Concert

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Letter
The Letter

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Officer Writing a Letter
Officer Writing a Letter

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Man Offering a Womans Coins
Man Offering a Womans Coins

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Der Lesende
Der Lesende

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Woman Peeling Apple
Woman Peeling Apple

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Woman Playing the Lute
Woman Playing the Lute

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Boy Ridding his Dog of Fleas
Boy Ridding his Dog of Fleas

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Portraet des Conde de Penaranda
Portraet des Conde de Penaranda

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Portraet einer Dame
Portraet einer Dame

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Gallant Conversation; known as The Parternal Admonition'
Gallant Conversation; known as The Parternal Admonition'

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - A Concert
A Concert

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - A Lady at Her Toilet
A Lady at Her Toilet

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - A Lady Reading a Letter
A Lady Reading a Letter

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - A Woman Spinning
A Woman Spinning

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - A Young Woman Playing a Theorbo to Two Men
A Young Woman Playing a Theorbo to Two Men

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Card Players
Card Players

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Curiosity

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Girl in Peasant Costume
Girl in Peasant Costume

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Helena van der Schalcke
Helena van der Schalcke

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Memorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch
Memorial Portrait of Moses ter Borch

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Paternal Admonition
Paternal Admonition

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Concert
The Concert

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Dancing Couple
The Dancing Couple

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Dispatch
The Dispatch

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Family of the Stone Grinder
The Family of the Stone Grinder

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Glass of Lemonade
The Glass of Lemonade

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Lute Player
The Lute Player

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Message
The Message

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Music Lesson
The Music Lesson

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Ratification of the Treaty of Muenster
The Ratification of the Treaty of Muenster

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Reading Lesson
The Reading Lesson

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Violinist
The Violinist

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - The Visit
The Visit

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings - Woman at a Mirror
Woman at a Mirror

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Gerhard ter Borch - paintings

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