Gemälde - Ölgemälde

George Frederick Watts - Paintings

George Frederic Watts was an important English painter and sculptor of Symbolism.
Born: 23 February 1817 in London.
Died: 01 June 1904 in Compton, Surrey
The artistic skill of George Frederic Watts, who receives his education at the Royal Academy, is already evident in his youth. At the age of twenty, the artist directs his first studio, which he finances through commissioned portraits. In addition to portrait works, which he does not particularly pay respect to, Watts also paints mythological and allegorical themes. These earn him several awards and money for his stay in Italy. Since he is denied his dream of an important allegorical fresco in the public space, he concentrates on the portraying of famous contemporaries. His works, painted in an idealized, poetic style, earn him great fame and the offer of an aristocratic title, which he, however, rejects.
George Frederic Watts

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Ariadne

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Ariadne on the Island of Naxos
Ariadne on the Island of Naxos

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Augusta Lady Castletown
Augusta Lady Castletown

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Cardinal Manning
Cardinal Manning

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Charity

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Choosing

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Creation

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Death Crowning Innocence
Death Crowning Innocence

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Dorothy Tennant Later Lady Stanley
Dorothy Tennant Later Lady Stanley

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Endymion

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Eustace Smith
Eustace Smith

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Eve Tempted
Eve Tempted

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Eveleen Tennant
Eveleen Tennant

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Faith

George Frederick Watts - paintings - For he had Graet Possessions
For he had Graet Possessions

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Frederic Lord Leighton
Frederic Lord Leighton

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Hope

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Jonah

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Lifes Illusions
Lifes Illusions

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Mammon

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold

George Frederick Watts - paintings - May Prinsep (Preyer)
May Prinsep (Preyer)

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Miss Georgina Treherne
Miss Georgina Treherne

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Mrs. Arthur Sassoon
Mrs. Arthur Sassoon

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Mrs. George Augustus Frederick Cavendish Bentinck and her Children
Mrs. George Augustus Frederick Cavendish Bentinck and her Children

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Neptunes Horses
Neptunes Horses

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Nude

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Ophelia

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Orlando Pursuing the Fata Morgana
Orlando Pursuing the Fata Morgana

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus and Eurydice

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus and Eurydice

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Orpheus and Eurydice
Orpheus and Eurydice

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Pablo and Francesca
Pablo and Francesca

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Panoramic Landscape with a Farmhouse
Panoramic Landscape with a Farmhouse

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Paulo and Francesca
Paulo and Francesca

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Petraia

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Portrait of Miss Lilian Macintosh
Portrait of Miss Lilian Macintosh

George Frederick Watts - paintings - Portrait of Sir John Everett Millais
Portrait of Sir John Everett Millais

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George Frederick Watts - paintings

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