Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Frederick Arthur Bridgman - Paintings

Frederick Arthur Bridgman was a well-known American painter and musician of Orientalism around 1900. He lived and worked in Paris, France.
Born: 10 November 1847 in Tuskegee, Alabama, USA
Died: 13 January 1928 in Rouen, France
After studying Design at Brooklyn Art School while working as a draftsman, Frederick Arthur Bridgman goes to Paris in 1866. At the École des Beaux Artes, he is taught by Jean-Léon Gérôme. Already by his early work, in which he deals with motives of Brittany, Bridgman makes a name for himself. He becomes truly known after he turns to oriental themes from the year 1872, inspired by several trips to Egypt and the Nubia region. Frederick Arthur Bridgman receives three exhibition medals for his very colorful paintings, depicting Egyptian history and is appointed Chairman for African Art at the 1900 World Exposition.
Frederick Arthur Bridgman

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Cleopatra on the Terrace of Philae
Cleopatra on the Terrace of Philae

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - A Coastal Trail
A Coastal Trail

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - A Street in Algeria
A Street in Algeria

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Aicha a Women of Morocco
Aicha a Women of Morocco

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Almeh flirting with an Armenian Policeman
Almeh flirting with an Armenian Policeman

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - An Arab Village
An Arab Village

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - An Eastern Courtyard
An Eastern Courtyard

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - An Eastern Veranda
An Eastern Veranda

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - An Egyptian Procession
An Egyptian Procession

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - An Interesting Game
An Interesting Game

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Apollon Enlevant Cyrene
Apollon Enlevant Cyrene

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Arab Women at the Town Wall
Arab Women at the Town Wall

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - At the Oasisk
At the Oasisk

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Cleopatras Barge
Cleopatras Barge

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Design for the Decoration of an Aeolian Harp
Design for the Decoration of an Aeolian Harp

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Dolce Far Niente
Dolce Far Niente

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Funerailles d une Momie
Funerailles d une Momie

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Harem Girl
Harem Girl

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Idle Moments an Arab Courtyard
Idle Moments an Arab Courtyard

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - In a Village El Biar Algeria
In a Village El Biar Algeria

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Leading the Horses from Stable
Leading the Horses from Stable

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Indolence

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Marketplace in North Africa
Marketplace in North Africa

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Mother and Child
Mother and Child

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Near the Kasbah
Near the Kasbah

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - On the Coast of Kabylie
On the Coast of Kabylie

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - On the Terrace
On the Terrace

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Orientalist Interior
Orientalist Interior

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Pharaohs Army Engulfed by the Red Sea
Pharaohs Army Engulfed by the Red Sea

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Procession in Honor of Isis
Procession in Honor of Isis

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Queen of the Brigands
Queen of the Brigands

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Reclining by a Stream
Reclining by a Stream

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - River Landscape with Deer
River Landscape with Deer

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - Scene in Morocco
Scene in Morocco

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Bathing Beauties
The Bathing Beauties

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Bathing Cove
The Bathing Cove

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Diversion of an Assyrian King
The Diversion of an Assyrian King

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Falcon Hunt
The Falcon Hunt

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Game of Chance
The Game of Chance

Frederick Arthur Bridgman  - paintings - The Harem Boats
The Harem Boats

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Frederick Arthur Bridgman - paintings

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