Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Francesco Guardi - Paintings

Francesco Guardi, who was taught by his brother Giovanni Antonio, is considered the main representative of Venetian veduta painting in the 18th century.
Born on October 05, 1712 in Venice.
Died on January 01, 1793 in Venice.
In his early work, while working in the workshop of his brother, Francesco Guardi mainly painted altarpieces. Only later did he begin to paint atmospheric, calmed cityscapes of Venice, influenced by Canaletto and Michele Marieschi, which were highly in demand, especially in England. His vedutas, appearing partly dramatic, partly melancholic due to their expressive coloring and the motives of which he took from engravings, stand out by their own atmospheric style of painting. It was not until 1784, that Francesco Guardi was admitted to the Venetian Academy as "pittore prospettico".
Francesco Guardi

Francesco Guardi - paintings - The Doge on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Santa Elena
The Doge on the Bucentaur near the Riva di Santa Elena

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Allegorie der Hoffnung
Allegorie der Hoffnung

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Ansicht von Venedig mit Sta Maria della Salute und der Dogna
Ansicht von Venedig mit Sta Maria della Salute und der Dogna

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Aufstieg eines Luftballons
Aufstieg eines Luftballons

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Baufaellige Kirche, Bauernhaus und Figuren an einem Fluss der Lagune
Baufaellige Kirche, Bauernhaus und Figuren an einem Fluss der Lagune

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Blick auf die Lagune mit dem Turm von Malghera
Blick auf die Lagune mit dem Turm von Malghera

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Blick von der Punta della Dogana in Richtung la Chiesa della Salute
Blick von der Punta della Dogana in Richtung la Chiesa della Salute

Francesco Guardi - paintings - The Doge on the Bucentaur at San Niccolo del Lido
The Doge on the Bucentaur at San Niccolo del Lido

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Cappriccio mit Pyramide
Cappriccio mit Pyramide

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Cappriccio mit venezianischen Motiven
Cappriccio mit venezianischen Motiven

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Cappriccio

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Capriccio

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Capriccio

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Capriccio

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Capriccio an den Ufern der Lagune
Capriccio an den Ufern der Lagune

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Outward Voyage of the Bucintoro to San Nicolo del Lido
Outward Voyage of the Bucintoro to San Nicolo del Lido

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Der Campo die Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venedig
Der Campo die Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venedig

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Der Canal Grande in San Geremia von einem Ankerplatz der Gondeln aus gesehen
Der Canal Grande in San Geremia von einem Ankerplatz der Gondeln aus gesehen

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Audience Granted by the Doge
Audience Granted by the Doge

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Der Laubengang
Der Laubengang

Francesco Guardi - paintings - View of the Mole towards the Santa della Salute
View of the Mole towards the Santa della Salute

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Dogenpalast in Venedig
Dogenpalast in Venedig

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Heiliger in Verzueckung
Heiliger in Verzueckung

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Kirche auf einer kleinen Insel der Lagune
Kirche auf einer kleinen Insel der Lagune

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Kreuzgang in Venedig
Kreuzgang in Venedig

Francesco Guardi - paintings - L Isola di San Giorgio
L Isola di San Giorgio

Francesco Guardi - paintings - The Feast of the Ascension
The Feast of the Ascension

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Lanschaft mit Reiter (Der einsame Reiter)
Lanschaft mit Reiter (Der einsame Reiter)

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Laubengang am Ufer eines Flusses
Laubengang am Ufer eines Flusses

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Laubengang bei einer turmreichen Stadt
Laubengang bei einer turmreichen Stadt

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Osterprozession des Dogen ueber den Campo San Zaccaria Venedig
Osterprozession des Dogen ueber den Campo San Zaccaria Venedig

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Papst Pius VI empfaengt den Dogen
Papst Pius VI empfaengt den Dogen

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Piazza San Marco
Piazza San Marco

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Piazza San Marco
Piazza San Marco

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Capricco with Venetian Motifs
Capricco with Venetian Motifs

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Santa Maria della Salute
Santa Maria della Salute

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Schiffe im Meeresgewitter
Schiffe im Meeresgewitter

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Segnender Heiliger Nicolaus
Segnender Heiliger Nicolaus

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Tobias bei dem Erzengel Raffael
Tobias bei dem Erzengel Raffael

Francesco Guardi - paintings - Tobias heilt seinen erblindeten Vater
Tobias heilt seinen erblindeten Vater

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Francesco Guardi - paintings

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