Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Eugene Delacroix - Paintings

Eugene Delacroix, a chief representative of Romanticism, is considered the most important French painter of the 19th century.
Born on April 26, 1798 St-Maurice- Charenton near Paris.
Died on August 13, 1863 in Paris.
Eugene Delacroix was an excellent portraitist, painter, drafter and illustrator. After his apprenticeship with Henri-François Riesener and his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, he celebrated his first successes at the Paris Salon with his works "Dante and Virgil" and "The Massacre of Chios", inspired by Géricault. As a major representative of Romanticism, he was strongly contrasted to Classicism. From 1832, he traveled to Morocco and Spain. From then on, he painted more Orientalist themes. Through his use of color as a conveyor of mood, Delacroix became a pioneer of Impressionism.
Eugene Delacroix

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Adam and Eve
Adam and Eve

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Alexander und die Epen Homers
Alexander und die Epen Homers

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Babylonische Gefangenenschaft
Babylonische Gefangenenschaft

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Bucht von Tanger in Marokko
Bucht von Tanger in Marokko

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Christ on the Lake on Gennezaret
Christ on the Lake on Gennezaret

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Dante und Vergil in der Hoelle (Die Dante Barke)
Dante und Vergil in der Hoelle (Die Dante Barke)

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Der Gefangene von Chillon
Der Gefangene von Chillon

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Der Marokkaner und sein Pferd
Der Marokkaner und sein Pferd

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Der Tod Laras
Der Tod Laras

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Liberty Leading the People (28th July 1830)
Liberty Leading the People (28th July 1830)

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople
The Entry of the Crusaders into Constantinople

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Ermordung des Bischofs von Luettich
Ermordung des Bischofs von Luettich

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Erziehung des Achill
Erziehung des Achill

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Women of Algiers in their Arpartment
Women of Algiers in their Arpartment

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard
Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - The Execution of Doge Marino Faliero
The Execution of Doge Marino Faliero

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Jakons Kampf mit dem Engel
Jakons Kampf mit dem Engel

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Juedische Hochzeit in Marokko
Juedische Hochzeit in Marokko

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Kampf des Giaur mit dem Pascha
Kampf des Giaur mit dem Pascha

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Loewenjagd

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Loewenjagd

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Mlle Rose
Mlle Rose

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - A Moroccan Saddling A Horse
A Moroccan Saddling A Horse

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Marokkanische Fantasia
Marokkanische Fantasia

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Marokkanischer Innenhof
Marokkanischer Innenhof

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Marokkanischer Scheich besucht seinen Stamm
Marokkanischer Scheich besucht seinen Stamm

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Medea about to Kill her Children
Medea about to Kill her Children

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Milton diktiert seinen Toechtern das Paradise Lost
Milton diktiert seinen Toechtern das Paradise Lost

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - The Sultan  of Marocco and his Entourage
The Sultan of Marocco and his Entourage

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Nischenraum im Palast des Sultans von Meknes
Nischenraum im Palast des Sultans von Meknes

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Pieta (Entwurf)
Pieta (Entwurf)

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Portrait Paganinis
Portrait Paganinis

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - George Sand
George Sand

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Louis Auguste Schwiter
Louis Auguste Schwiter

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Frederic Chopin
Frederic Chopin

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - The Sultan of Marocco and his Entourage
The Sultan of Marocco and his Entourage

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Pulverspiel vor den Toren von Meknes
Pulverspiel vor den Toren von Meknes

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - The Abduction of Rebecca
The Abduction of Rebecca

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Schlafgemach des Grafen de Mornay
Schlafgemach des Grafen de Mornay

Eugene Delacroix - paintings - Self Portait
Self Portait

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Eugene Delacroix - paintings

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