Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Edwin Lord Weeks - Paintings

Edwin Lord Weeks was an America painter. He became famous in Paris at the time of salon painting for his paintings of oriental landscapes.
Born: in the year 1849 in Boston
Died: in November 1903 in Paris, France
Due to the splendid financial situation of his parents, Edwin Lord Weeks has the opportunity to pursue his passion for painting on different journeys already at young age, and ultimately to study at the École des Beaux Arts in Paris under Léon Bonnat and Jean-Léon Gérôme. Weeks’ paintings speak thematically of his numerous journeys through South Africa, Persia, Morocco, India and Egypt. In addition, he writes a travel diary, due to which his work can be related to the different countries and places. The oriental paintings are very much in demand in the Paris salons and soon become a separate artistic genre, in addition to the pompous theatrical depictions and sweet mythological scenes, in which Edwin Lord Weeks becomes very successful.
Edwin Lord Weeks

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - A Court in the Alhambra in the Time of the Moors
A Court in the Alhambra in the Time of the Moors

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - A Marketplace in Ispahan
A Marketplace in Ispahan

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - A Persian Cafe
A Persian Cafe

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - A Rajah of Jodpur
A Rajah of Jodpur

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - A Royal Procession
A Royal Procession

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Along the Ghats Mathura
Along the Ghats Mathura

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Along the Nile
Along the Nile

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - An Indian Gharry
An Indian Gharry

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings -  An Indian Hunting Party
An Indian Hunting Party

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - An Open Air Restaurant Lahore
An Open Air Restaurant Lahore

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Arrival of a Caravan Outside the City of Marocco
Arrival of a Caravan Outside the City of Marocco

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Arrival of Prince Humbert the Rajah at the Palace of Amber
Arrival of Prince Humbert the Rajah at the Palace of Amber

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - At the River Crossing
At the River Crossing

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Blacksmith Shop at Tangiers
Blacksmith Shop at Tangiers

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Courtyard in Morocco
Courtyard in Morocco

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Elephants and Figures in a Courtyard Fort Agra
Elephants and Figures in a Courtyard Fort Agra

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Feeding the Sacred Pigeons Jaipur
Feeding the Sacred Pigeons Jaipur

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Figures in the Courtyard of a Mosque
Figures in the Courtyard of a Mosque

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Gate of Shehal Morocco
Gate of Shehal Morocco

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Girl in a Moorish Courtyard
Girl in a Moorish Courtyard

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Great Mogul and his Court Returning from the Great Mosque at Delhi India
Great Mogul and his Court Returning from the Great Mosque at Delhi India

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Hindu Merchants
Hindu Merchants

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Indian Barbers Saharanpore
Indian Barbers Saharanpore

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Interior of the Mosque at Cordova
Interior of the Mosque at Cordova

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Leaving for the Hunt at Gwalior
Leaving for the Hunt at Gwalior

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Man in Armour
Man in Armour

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Man Leading a Camel
Man Leading a Camel

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Market Square in Front of the Sacristy and Doorway of the Cathedral Granada
Market Square in Front of the Sacristy and Doorway of the Cathedral Granada

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Moguls Elephant
Moguls Elephant

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Moorish Girl Lying on a Couch
Moorish Girl Lying on a Couch

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Moroccan Market Rabat
Moroccan Market Rabat

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Muttra

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - On the River Benares
On the River Benares

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Outside an Indian Dye House
Outside an Indian Dye House

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Powder Play City of Morocco Outside the Walls
Powder Play City of Morocco Outside the Walls

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Royal Elephant
Royal Elephant

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Scene at Sale Morocco
Scene at Sale Morocco

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Two Nautch Girls
Two Nautch Girls

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Street Scene Bombay
Street Scene Bombay

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings - Tangiers

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Edwin Lord Weeks - paintings

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