Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Edward Burne Jones - Paintings

Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, 1st Baronet was an English painter and designer and associated with the later phase of the Pre-Raphaelite movement.
Born: 18 February 1833 in Birmingham, England
Died: 17 June 1898 in London, England
Inspired by the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the study of ancient Italian masters and the Pre-Raphaelite movement, which he joins in 1854, Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones develops his own personal style. He produces realistic, aesthetic paintings with mythological content. But he is also a sought-after designer for carpets and glass windows. His late work shows first features of the emerging Art Nouveau.
Edward Burne Jones

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Angel

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Cupid finding Psyche
Cupid finding Psyche

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Cupid hunting Fields
Cupid hunting Fields

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Georgiana

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Hope

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Katie Lewis
Katie Lewis

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - King Mark and La Belle Iseult
King Mark and La Belle Iseult

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Lady Frances Balfour
Lady Frances Balfour

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Lady Windsor
Lady Windsor

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Laus Veneris
Laus Veneris

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Le Chant d Amour
Le Chant d Amour

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Love Among the Ruins
Love Among the Ruins

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Margaret Burne Jones
Margaret Burne Jones

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Maria Zambaco
Maria Zambaco

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Perseus and the Seanymphs
Perseus and the Seanymphs

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Phyllis Demophoon
Phyllis Demophoon

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Portrait Group of the Artists Family
Portrait Group of the Artists Family

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Portrait of a Young Boy
Portrait of a Young Boy

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Psyche and Pan
Psyche and Pan

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Rock of Doom
Rock of Doom

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Tied to the Tree
The Tied to the Tree

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Song of Love
Song of Love

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Saint Agnes
Saint Agnes

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - Sybil

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Beguiling of Merlin
The Beguiling of Merlin

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Baleful Head
The Baleful Head

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Briar Wood
The Briar Wood

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Council Chamber
The Council Chamber

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Dephts of the Sea
The Dephts of the Sea

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Doom Fulifilled
The Doom Fulifilled

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Dream of Lancelot at the Chapel of the San Gral
The Dream of Lancelot at the Chapel of the San Gral

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Garden of Pan
The Garden of Pan

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Godhead Fires
The Godhead Fires

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Hand Refrains
The Hand Refrains

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Heart Desires
The Heart Desires

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Heart of the Rose
The Heart of the Rose

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Lament
The Lament

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The last sleep of King Arthur in Avalon
The last sleep of King Arthur in Avalon

Edward Burne Jones - paintings - The Madness of Sir Tristram
The Madness of Sir Tristram

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Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Edward Burne Jones - paintings

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