Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Paintings

Dante Gabriel Rosetti was an important British painter and poet of Symbolism who founded the artist group of the Pre-Raphaelites together with William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais.
Born: 12 May 1828 in London
Died: 09 April 1882 in Birchington-on-Sea, Kent
As the painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti breaks up his training at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Academy after just a short time, and therefore lacks education, he is still considered an autodidact. For a long period, he is not sure whether he should earn his money as a poet or as a painter. It is only when he meets William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais that Dante Gabriel Rossetti decides to paint. The three men found the brotherhood of the Pre-Raphaelites, as they all have similar bad experiences with the prevailing academic ideals, which are derived from nature and the study of previous generations of Italian masters. Molded by the mystical texts of William Blake, Rossetti finds his own symbolic-decorative style. His paintings are dominated by strong local colors and pronounced lines. This idiosyncratic style serves as a model for the following Art Nouveau painters. In 1849, the artist meets his future wife and muse Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal, whom he portrays in many pictures. Just as Rossetti’s first name is Dante, Elizabeth becomes his “Beatrice”. The famous painting “Beata Beatrix” that depicts an enchanted woman, in whose hands a red bird lays a poppy-flower, is a symbolic allusion to Elizabeth's suicide in 1862.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - A Sea Spell
A Sea Spell

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - A Vision of Fiammetta
A Vision of Fiammetta

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Alexa Wilding
Alexa Wilding

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Algernon Charles Swinburne
Algernon Charles Swinburne

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Annunciation

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Arthurs Tomb (The Last Meeting of Lancelot and Guinevere)
Arthurs Tomb (The Last Meeting of Lancelot and Guinevere)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Aspecta Medusa
Aspecta Medusa

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Astarte Syriaca
Astarte Syriaca

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Aurelia (Fazios Mistress)
Aurelia (Fazios Mistress)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Beata Beatrix
Beata Beatrix

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Beatrice Meeting Dante at a Wedding Feast Denies him her Salutation
Beatrice Meeting Dante at a Wedding Feast Denies him her Salutation

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Beatrice

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Before the Battle
Before the Battle

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Bocca Baciata
Bocca Baciata

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Dantes Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice
Dantes Dream at the Time of the Death of Beatrice

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Dantes Vision of Rachel and Leah
Dantes Vision of Rachel and Leah

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Dantis Amore
Dantis Amore

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Elizabeth Siddal
Elizabeth Siddal

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Ellen Smith
Ellen Smith

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Fair Rosamund
Fair Rosamund

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Found

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Girl at a Lattice
Girl at a Lattice

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Il Ramoscello
Il Ramoscello

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Joli Coeur
Joli Coeur

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - King Renes Honeymoon
King Renes Honeymoon

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Bella Mano
La Bella Mano

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Bionda del Balcone
La Bionda del Balcone

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Donna Della Finestra
La Donna Della Finestra

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Donna Della Finestra
La Donna Della Finestra

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Ghirlandata
La Ghirlandata

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - La Pia de Tolomei
La Pia de Tolomei

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Lady Lillith
Lady Lillith

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Ligeia Siren
Ligeia Siren

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Mariana

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings - Mary Magdalen
Mary Magdalen

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - paintings

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