Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Claude Lorrain - Paintings

Claude Lorrain, whose real name was Claude Gellée and who was called "Le Lorrain" (which is French for "the Lorrainer"), was an important landscape painter of the French Baroque.
Born in 1600 in Chamagne, Vosges, Lorraine.
Died on November 23, 1682 in Rome.
Claude Lorrain, who originated from a poor farming family, received his knowledge of landscape painting from the Roman architectural painter Agostino Tassi and Gottfried Wals, by whom he trained in veduta painting during a five-year stay in Naples. After a two-year stay in France, Claude Lorrain traveled back to Rome. Thanks to many orders of Roman aristocrats and of some popes, he became the most popular landscape painter. Before changing to biblical and mythological subjects in the 1640s, he painted lyrically idealized landscape paintings with shepherd and fishing scenes, influenced by the works of Annibale Carracci and Adam Elsheimer. With his classical-romantic style of painting, he is to be considered the antipode to Nicolas Poussin. Both artists were labeled as senior masters of the Roman High Baroque. In his works, Claude Lorrain gave the impression of infinity, as he succeeded in directing the contemplators' views into the vastness of an ocean or a landscape. Through his lyrical and romantic compositions, his works greatly influenced the English landscape painters of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Claude Lorrain

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Acis and Galathe
Landscape with Acis and Galathe

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Aeneas at Delos
Landscape with Aeneas at Delos

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Aeneas Farewell to Dido in Cathage
Aeneas Farewell to Dido in Cathage

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helion
Apollo and the Muses on Mount Helion

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Belagerung von La Rochelle
Belagerung von La Rochelle

Claude Lorrain - paintings - The Campo Vaccino Rome
The Campo Vaccino Rome

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Coast Scene with the Rape of Europa
Coast Scene with the Rape of Europa

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Feaci
Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Feaci

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Egeria beweint Numa
Egeria beweint Numa

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Embarkation of St. Paula Romana at Ostia
Embarkation of St. Paula Romana at Ostia

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Port Scene with the Embarkation of St. Ursula
Port Scene with the Embarkation of St. Ursula

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba
Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba

Claude Lorrain - paintings - A Seaport at Sunrise
A Seaport at Sunrise

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Port Scene with the Villa Medici
Port Scene with the Villa Medici

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Harbour Scene at Sunset
Harbour Scene at Sunset

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Harbour Scene with Grieving Heliades
Harbour Scene with Grieving Heliades

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Hirte

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Imaginary View of Tivoli
Imaginary View of Tivoli

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Italian Coastal Landscape
Italian Coastal Landscape

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with a Sacrifice to Apollo
Landscape with a Sacrifice to Apollo

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Acis and Galathe
Landscape with Acis and Galathe

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Apollo and Mercury
Landscape with Apollo and Mercury

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Sylvia
Landscape with Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Sylvia

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Merchants
Landscape with Merchants

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Ladscape with Noli Me Tangere Scene
Ladscape with Noli Me Tangere Scene

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Paris and Oenone
Landscape with Paris and Oenone

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Rest in Flight to Egypt
Landscape with Rest in Flight to Egypt

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Shepherds (The Pont Molle)
Landscape with Shepherds (The Pont Molle)

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit Suche nach Moses
Landschaft mit Suche nach Moses

Claude Lorrain - paintings - The Dance of the Seasons
The Dance of the Seasons

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Marine with the Trojans Burning their Boats
Marine with the Trojans Burning their Boats

Claude Lorrain - paintings - The Campo Vaccino Rome
The Campo Vaccino Rome

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Laendlicher Tanz
Laendlicher Tanz

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landscape with Apollo Guarding the Herds of Admetus
Landscape with Apollo Guarding the Herds of Admetus

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit buessender Magdalena
Landschaft mit buessender Magdalena

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit David und den drei Heroen
Landschaft mit David und den drei Heroen

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit der Anbetung des goldenen Kalbes
Landschaft mit der Anbetung des goldenen Kalbes

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit der Nymphe Egeria und Koenig Numa
Landschaft mit der Nymphe Egeria und Koenig Numa

Claude Lorrain - paintings - Landschaft mit Hirten (Pastorale)
Landschaft mit Hirten (Pastorale)

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Claude Lorrain - paintings

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