Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Carl Spitzweg - Paintings

Carl Spitzweg was an important painter, illustrator and graphic artist of the German Romanticism.
Born: 05 February 1808 in Munich
Died: 23 September 1885 in Munich
Carl Spitzweg, who first studies pharmacy in Munich, decides to become a painter after a trip to Italy in 1833. Already in his anecdotal illustrations for satirical newspapers, his special observation skills become visible. Following Dutch genre pictures copied by the autodidact Carl Spitzweg for training purposes at the Munich Pinacotheca, around 1838, he produces his first oil paintings. With great attention to detail, the artist paints small scenes from the bourgeois life. The famous painting “The Poor Poet” shows Spitzweg’s special humor and keen eye for his time. From 1849, he makes a few trips to Prague, Paris and London, where he meets the works of John Constable and Eugene Delacroix. His landscape pictures are then a bit pastier in style and more experimental in color and composition.
Carl Spitzweg

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Alter Moench vor der Klause
Alter Moench vor der Klause

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Arrival in Seeshaupt
Arrival in Seeshaupt

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Badende Nymphe
Badende Nymphe

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Bathing nymphs
Bathing nymphs

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Bergwanderung (Ausflug zum Herzogsstand)
Bergwanderung (Ausflug zum Herzogsstand)

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Betendes Bauernmaedchen im Walde
Betendes Bauernmaedchen im Walde

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Das Floetenkonzert
Das Floetenkonzert

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Das Picknick
Das Picknick

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Serenade

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Das Staendchen
Das Staendchen

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Das Staendchen
Das Staendchen

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Eagle Hunter
The Eagle Hunter

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Alchemist
The Alchemist

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Der Angler
Der Angler

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Visit
The Visit

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Bookworm
The Bookworm

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Course to the church
The Course to the church

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Der Geologe
Der Geologe

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Der Herr Pfarrer als Kakteenliebhaber
Der Herr Pfarrer als Kakteenliebhaber

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Phantastisches Szenario
Phantastisches Szenario

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The Columnist
The Columnist

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Sundays hunter
Sundays hunter

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Der Sonntagsspaziergang
Der Sonntagsspaziergang

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Der Stellwagen
Der Stellwagen

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The kitting guard
The kitting guard

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The post
The post

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Einsiedler, Violine
Einsiedler, Violine

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Englishman in the Campagne
Englishman in the Campagne

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - He comes
He comes

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The knitting guard
The knitting guard

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Women bath near Dieppe
Women bath near Dieppe

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Gebirgsmuehle

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Gewitterstimmung

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Im Harem
Im Harem

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Im Hausgarten
Im Hausgarten

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - In der Synagoge
In der Synagoge

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Institute walk
Institute walk

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - The hunter fallen in love
The hunter fallen in love

Carl Spitzweg - paintings - Keine Rose ohne Dornen
Keine Rose ohne Dornen

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Carl Spitzweg - paintings

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