Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Mary Cassatt - Bilder und Gemälde

Mary Cassatt, die einer französischen Auswandererfamilie entstammt, gilt als bedeutendste Künstlerin und Grafikerin des Impressionismus in Amerika.
geboren am 22. Mai 1845 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
gestorben am 14. Juni 1926 in Mesnil-Théribus, Frankreich
Mary Cassatt, die nach ihrem Kunststudium zurück nach Europa geht, unternimmt einige Reisen, um sich vor allen Dingen an den Werken von Corregio und Peter Paul Rubens weiterzuentwickeln. Durch ihre meisterhaften Grafiken, die eher an japanischer Kunst angelehnt sind, macht sie sich in Paris einen Namen. Dort lässt sie sich 1874 nieder und stellt ihre Gemälde, die vermehrt eine sehr Gefühlsbetonte Mutter-Kind-Beziehung zum Thema haben, bei impressionistischen Ausstellungen aus.
Mary Cassatt


Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Helene de Septeuil
Helene de Septeuil

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Interior of a Tramway Passing a Bridge
Interior of a Tramway Passing a Bridge

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Leontine in a Pink Fluffy Hat
Leontine in a Pink Fluffy Hat

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother About To Wash Her Sleepy Child
Mother About To Wash Her Sleepy Child

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother and Child Reading
Mother and Child Reading

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother and Child Smiling at Each Other
Mother and Child Smiling at Each Other

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother and Children
Mother and Children

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Berthe Holding Her Baby
Mother Berthe Holding Her Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Combing Saras Hair
Mother Combing Saras Hair

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Holding a Child in Her Arms
Mother Holding a Child in Her Arms

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Holding Her Baby
Mother Holding Her Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Jeanne Nursing Her Baby
Mother Jeanne Nursing Her Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Playing with Her Child
Mother Playing with Her Child

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother Rose Nursing Her Child
Mother Rose Nursing Her Child

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother, Sara and the Baby
Mother, Sara and the Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mother, Sara and the Baby
Mother, Sara and the Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Motherhood

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mothers Goodnight Kiss
Mothers Goodnight Kiss

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mrs Duffee Seated on a Striped Sofa, Reading
Mrs Duffee Seated on a Striped Sofa, Reading

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mrs Gardner Cassatt in Black
Mrs Gardner Cassatt in Black

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Mrs Robert S Cassatt
Mrs Robert S Cassatt

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Nude Child
Nude Child

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of Alexander J Cassat and His Son Robert Kelso Cassatt
Portrait of Alexander J Cassat and His Son Robert Kelso Cassatt

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of Marie Louise Durand-Ruel
Portrait of Marie Louise Durand-Ruel

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of Mrs Havemeyer and Her Daughter Electra
Portrait of Mrs Havemeyer and Her Daughter Electra

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Portrait of Mrs William Harrison
Portrait of Mrs William Harrison

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Profile of an Italian Woman
Profile of an Italian Woman

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Reine Lefebvre Holding a Nude Baby
Reine Lefebvre Holding a Nude Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Roman Girl
Roman Girl

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Sara and Her Mother with the Baby
Sara and Her Mother with the Baby

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Sara in a Large Flowered Hat, Looking Right, Holding Her Dog
Sara in a Large Flowered Hat, Looking Right, Holding Her Dog

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Self Portrait
Self Portrait

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla
Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - The Childs Bath
The Childs Bath

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - The Childs Bath
The Childs Bath

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - The Crochet Lesson
The Crochet Lesson

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - The Flirtation (A Balcony in Seville)
The Flirtation (A Balcony in Seville)

Mary Cassatt  - Bilder Gemälde - The Garden Reading
The Garden Reading

Preise für nicht in der Datenbank vorhandene Gemälde dieses Künstlers:


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Mary Cassatt - Bilder Gemälde

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