Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Annibale Carracci - Bilder und Gemälde

Annibale Carracci, aus einer anerkannten Künstlerfamilie stammender, italienischer Maler und Kupferstecher, gilt als Wegbereiter des Barock.
geboren am 3. November 1560 in Bologna
gestorben am 15. Juli 1609 in Rom
Annibale Carracci ist einer der Begründer der Accademia degli Incamminati. Sein Werk überzeugt durch die zeichnerische Genauigkeit, venezianische Farbigkeit und die harmonische und klare Natürlichkeit seiner Figuren in Verbindung mit der Landschaft. Durch die Ausmalung der Decke in der Gallerie Farnese mit Szenen aus dem mythologischen Kontext, wird Annibale Carracci zum Vorbild nachfolgender barocker Maler.
Annibale Carracci


Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Rinaldo und Armida
Rinaldo und Armida

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - River Landscape
River Landscape

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Roman River Landscape with Castle and Bridge
Roman River Landscape with Castle and Bridge

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness
Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Saint John the Baptist seated in the Wilderness
Saint John the Baptist seated in the Wilderness

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Saint Roch and the Angel
Saint Roch and the Angel

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - San Rocco Giving Alms to the Poor
San Rocco Giving Alms to the Poor

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Self portrait mounted on an easel
Self portrait mounted on an easel

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Self Portrait with the Three Ages of Man
Self Portrait with the Three Ages of Man

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Sleeping Venus
Sleeping Venus

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Susanna and the Elders
Susanna and the Elders

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Agony in the Garden
The Agony in the Garden

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Assumption of the Virgin
The Assumption of the Virgin

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Beaneater
The Beaneater

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Birth of the Virgin
The Birth of the Virgin

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Body of Christ and the Implements of Martyrdom
The Body of Christ and the Implements of Martyrdom

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Burial of Christ
The Burial of Christ

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Butcher's Shop
The Butcher's Shop

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Butcher's Shop
The Butcher's Shop

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Coronation of the Virgin
The Coronation of the Virgin

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Crucifixion
The Crucifixion

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Crucifixion
The Crucifixion

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Dead Christ Mourned
The Dead Christ Mourned

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Deposition with Saints
The Deposition with Saints

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Holy Family
The Holy Family

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth and Saint John

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Madonna and Sleeping Child with Saint John the Baptist
The Madonna and Sleeping Child with Saint John the Baptist

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Martyrdom of Saint Stephen
The Martyrdom of Saint Stephen

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Mocking of Christ
The Mocking of Christ

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Nativity
The Nativity

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Stoning of Saint Stephen
The Stoning of Saint Stephen

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Virgin and Child in the Clouds
The Virgin and Child in the Clouds

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Virgin Appears Before Saint Luke and Saint Catherine
The Virgin Appears Before Saint Luke and Saint Catherine

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Vision of Saint Eustace
The Vision of Saint Eustace

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - The Youthful Bacchus
The Youthful Bacchus

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Two Children Teasing a Cat
Two Children Teasing a Cat

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Venus Adorned by the Graces
Venus Adorned by the Graces

Annibale Carracci  - Bilder Gemälde - Venus with a Satyr and Cupids
Venus with a Satyr and Cupids


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Annibale Carracci - Bilder Gemälde