Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Willem van de Velde - Paintings

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - 'Smalschip' with Sail set at Anchor Close to the Shore
'Smalschip' with Sail set at Anchor Close to the Shore

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Breeze
A Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Brisk Breeze
A Brisk Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A calm - a smalschip and a kaag at anchor with an English man-o'-war beyond
A calm - a smalschip and a kaag at anchor with an English man-o'-war beyond

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm
A Calm

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm
A Calm

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm Sea
A Calm Sea

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm Sea with two Fishing Boats and a Man-of-War Firing a Salute Beyond
A Calm Sea with two Fishing Boats and a Man-of-War Firing a Salute Beyond

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm Sea with Two Fishing Boats and a Third Beached
A Calm Sea with Two Fishing Boats and a Third Beached

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Calm Sea
A Calm Sea

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Flagship Coming to Anchor with a States Yacht before a Light Air
A Dutch Flagship Coming to Anchor with a States Yacht before a Light Air

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Fleet Coming to Anchor in a Breeze
A Dutch Fleet Coming to Anchor in a Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Hoeker at Anchor near a Pier
A Dutch Hoeker at Anchor near a Pier

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Mercant Ship Running between Rocks in Rough Weather
A Dutch Mercant Ship Running between Rocks in Rough Weather

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Ship and Other Small Vessels in a Strong Breeze
A Dutch Ship and Other Small Vessels in a Strong Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch ship at anchor drying sails and a Kaag under sail
A Dutch ship at anchor drying sails and a Kaag under sail

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Ship Coming to Anchor and Another under Sail
A Dutch Ship Coming to Anchor and Another under Sail

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Ship Lying-to in a Strong Breeze
A Dutch Ship Lying-to in a Strong Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Ship Scudding Before a Storm
A Dutch Ship Scudding Before a Storm

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Ship, a Yacht and Smaller Vessels in a Breeze
A Dutch Ship, a Yacht and Smaller Vessels in a Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch State Barge under Oars with bezan Yachts under Sail
A Dutch State Barge under Oars with bezan Yachts under Sail

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch States Yacht firing a salute
A Dutch States Yacht firing a salute

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Three-Master and a Boeier in Stormy Weather
A Dutch Three-Master and a Boeier in Stormy Weather

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Vessel in a Strong Breeze
A Dutch Vessel in a Strong Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Dutch Yacht Surrounded by Many Small Vessels, Saluting as Two Barges pull alongside
A Dutch Yacht Surrounded by Many Small Vessels, Saluting as Two Barges pull alongside

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Frozen Waterway with Three Ice-Bound Ships
A Frozen Waterway with Three Ice-Bound Ships

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A galjoot and a smalschip at anchor
A galjoot and a smalschip at anchor

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Hoeker Alongside a Kaag at Anchor
A Hoeker Alongside a Kaag at Anchor

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Kaag coming Ashore near a Groyne with Ships and Vessels under Sail Beyond
A Kaag coming Ashore near a Groyne with Ships and Vessels under Sail Beyond

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Kaag Going to Windward in a Fresh Breeze
A Kaag Going to Windward in a Fresh Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Kaag near the Shore with Other Vessels
A Kaag near the Shore with Other Vessels

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Marine Landscape
A Marine Landscape

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Mediterranean Brigantine Drifting Onto a Rocky Coast in a Storm
A Mediterranean Brigantine Drifting Onto a Rocky Coast in a Storm

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Row Galley on Fire
A Row Galley on Fire

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Royal Visit to the Fleet in the Thames Estuary
A Royal Visit to the Fleet in the Thames Estuary

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Ship on the High Seas caught by a Squall
A Ship on the High Seas caught by a Squall

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Small Dutch Ship Riding out a Storm
A Small Dutch Ship Riding out a Storm

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A Small Dutch Vessel Close-hauled in a Strong Breeze
A Small Dutch Vessel Close-hauled in a Strong Breeze

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A State's Yacht, a Barge and many other Vessels under Sail
A State's Yacht, a Barge and many other Vessels under Sail

Willem van de Velde  - paintings - A States Yacht in a Fresh Breeze Running Towards a Group of Dutch Ships
A States Yacht in a Fresh Breeze Running Towards a Group of Dutch Ships

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Willem van de Velde - paintings

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