Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Rudolf Ernst - Paintings

Rudolf Ernst, was a renowned graphic artist and painter in the French salons in the 1870s, despite of being Austrian. He owed his interest for oriental painting to his friendship with Ludwig Deutsch.
Born on February 14, 1854 in Vienna.
Died in 1932 in near Foutenauy-aux-Roses, Paris.
After completing an apprenticeship with the painter Anselm Feuerbach, Rudolf Ernst attempted to paint portraits. Since he had only a few successes in Vienna, he moved to Paris, where he soon delivered the local salons. Having gained interest for oriental painting through two colleagues, he soon changed the subject and made his fortune with oriental-style paintings. Since in those days, many artists had large collections of props, which they had partly brought from their journeys, it was usual to imitate oriental scenes, instead of being on site by themselves. In addition, Rudolf Ernst worked this way, even though he made occasional trips in order to obtain new ideas.
Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - A Captive Tiger
A Captive Tiger

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - A Quiet Moment
A Quiet Moment

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - A Tambourine, Knife, Moroccan Tile and Plate on Satin covered Table
A Tambourine, Knife, Moroccan Tile and Plate on Satin covered Table

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - After Prayer
After Prayer

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - After Prayers at the Mosque
After Prayers at the Mosque

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - After the Bath
After the Bath

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Afternoon Tea
Afternoon Tea

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Afternoon Repast
An Afternoon Repast

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Afternoon Show
An Afternoon Show

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Arab Elder in a Palace
An Arab Elder in a Palace

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Arab Praying
An Arab Praying

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Important Visit
An Important Visit

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Informal Communion
An Informal Communion

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - An Older Oriental in Contemplation
An Older Oriental in Contemplation

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Arab in His Palace
Arab in His Palace

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - At the Entrance to the Palace Garden
At the Entrance to the Palace Garden

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - At the Well
At the Well

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Awaiting an Audience
Awaiting an Audience

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - By the Entrance
By the Entrance

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Captured Lion
Captured Lion

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Charity among Dervishes at Scutari
Charity among Dervishes at Scutari

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Conversat by the Bosphorus, Constantinople
Conversat by the Bosphorus, Constantinople

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Der Weise
Der Weise

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Dressing the Bride
Dressing the Bride

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Entering the Temple
Entering the Temple

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Fountain with Man and Stork
Fountain with Man and Stork

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Harem Solg
Harem Solg

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Hilda

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Honoring the Tiger
Honoring the Tiger

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - In The Alhambra
In The Alhambra

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - In the Harem
In the Harem

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - In the Mosque
In the Mosque

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Kiosk, Turkey
Kiosk, Turkey

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Languorous Oriental Lady with a Rose
Languorous Oriental Lady with a Rose

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Leaving for the Holy War
Leaving for the Holy War

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Leaving the Mosque
Leaving the Mosque

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Man Praying in the Desert
Man Praying in the Desert

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Metalworkers

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Moroccan Scene
Moroccan Scene

Rudolf Ernst  - paintings - Occupations of the Seraglio
Occupations of the Seraglio

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Rudolf Ernst - paintings

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