Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Lorenzo Lotto - Paintings

Lorenzo Lotto, who is considered a pioneer of the painting scene of the late Baroque, was an important painter of the Venetian High Renaissance.
Born around 1480 in Venice.
Died in 1556 in Loreto.
The work of Lorenzo Lotto, whose first pictures originate from the year 1500, is incredibly complex, since he was constantly traveling and changing residence, learning from the works of the most diverse artists. So his early work was influenced by the painting of Giovanni Bellini and Antonello da Messina. In addition, the painters Albrecht Dürer and Martin Schongauer aroused his interest. From the year 1513, Lorenzo Lotto lived in Bergamo, where he found to his own, very idiosyncratic style. His paintings fascinate because of the loose style of painting, the eye-catching color combinations, strong contrasts of light and the moving rhythmization of his characters. With his move to Venice in 1526, he encountered the works of Titian. In addition, the works of Raphael and Giorgione caught his attention. Based on the paintings of these artists, Lorenzo Lotto refined his sense for detailed reproductions of the material world and his unusual dramatic and expressive style.
Lorenzo Lotto

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Allegory

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Angel Annunciation
Angel Annunciation

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Annunciation

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Architect

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Bishop Bernardo de Rossi
Bishop Bernardo de Rossi

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Christ and the Adulteress
Christ and the Adulteress

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Christ taking leave of his Mother
Christ taking leave of his Mother

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Deposition

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Deposition

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Fra Gregorio Belo di Vicenza
Fra Gregorio Belo di Vicenza

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Gentlemen with Gloves
Gentlemen with Gloves

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Head of a Young Man
Head of a Young Man

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Husband and Wife
Husband and Wife

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Lucretia

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna and Child with Saints
Madonna and Child with Saints

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna and Child with Saints
Madonna and Child with Saints

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna and Child with Saints
Madonna and Child with Saints

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna and Child with Saints and an Angel
Madonna and Child with Saints and an Angel

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna and Child with Saints
Madonna and Child with Saints

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Madonna with the Child and St. Rock and Sebastian
Madonna with the Child and St. Rock and Sebastian

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Man with a Golden Paw
Man with a Golden Paw

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Messer Marsilio and his Wife
Messer Marsilio and his Wife

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine
Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Nativity

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Penitent St. Jerome
Penitent St. Jerome

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Gentlemen
Portrait of a Gentlemen

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Lady with a picture of the suicide of Lucretia
Portrait of a Lady with a picture of the suicide of Lucretia

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Man
Portrait of a Man

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Man in Black Silk Cloak
Portrait of a Man in Black Silk Cloak

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Women
Portrait of a Women

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of a Andrea Odoni
Portrait of a Andrea Odoni

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of Febo de Brescia
Portrait of Febo de Brescia

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Portrait of Laura da Pola
Portrait of Laura da Pola

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Presentation of the Temple
Presentation of the Temple

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - St. Catherine of Alexandria
St. Catherine of Alexandria

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - St. Lucy before the Judge
St. Lucy before the Judge

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - St. Lucy before the Judge
St. Lucy before the Judge

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - Susanna and the Elders
Susanna and the Elders

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings - The Alms of St. Anthony
The Alms of St. Anthony

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Lorenzo Lotto - paintings

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