Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin was one of the most important French painters and graphic artists of Impressionism. In his early life, he was active in intellectual circles.
Born: 16 February 1841 in Paris
Died: 26 June 1927 in Château de Grignon
Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin is working as an administrative employee, when, at the same time, he is educated in art. As a twenty-year-old, he becomes acquainted with the artists Pissarro and Cézanne. Therefore, he belongs to the first group of painters to present their works in the new exhibitions, which are established in competition to the conservative Paris Salon. Through the exhibition of the Impressionists, he gets acquainted with other artists such as Courbet, Seignac and Van Gogh, as well as important art dealers who provide him with further international contacts. With their still Realistic style, the works of Guillaumin, mostly landscape depictions and architectural drawings, can rather be categorized into the early phase of Impressionism. So, he can be named a pioneer of Modernity.