Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Henri Fantin Latour - Paintings

Henri Fantin-Latour, renowned for his still lifes, was a French painter of the 19th century.
Born on January 14, 1836 in Grenoble.
Died on August 25, 1904 in Buré, Orne.
After his study at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Henri Fantin-Latour worked in the studio of Gustave Courbet for a short time, whose influence is visible in his still lifes. Despite his friendship with the Impressionists Claude Monet and James Abbot McNeill Whistler, he is never did any exhibition with them. He became famous for his artist portrait "Homage to Delacroix" depicting the artist Eugene Delacroix, surrounded by his friends. For the research, these paintings have an extraordinary value.
Henri Fantin Latour

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - A Basket of Roses
A Basket of Roses

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - A Bowl of Fruits
A Bowl of Fruits

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - A Carafe of Wine and Fruit on a White Tablecloth
A Carafe of Wine and Fruit on a White Tablecloth

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - A Large Bouquet of Roses
A Large Bouquet of Roses

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - A Studio in the Batignolles
A Studio in the Batignolles

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Anemones and Buttercups
Anemones and Buttercups

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Apples and Grapes
Apples and Grapes

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Apples in a Basket on a Table
Apples in a Basket on a Table

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Apples

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Asters and Fruit on a Table
Asters and Fruit on a Table

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Autum Flowers
Autum Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Basket of Flowers
Basket of Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Basket of White Grapes and Peaches
Basket of White Grapes and Peaches

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bathers (The Secret)
Bathers (The Secret)

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Diverse Flowers
Bouquet of Diverse Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Flowers Pansies
Bouquet of Flowers Pansies

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Peonies and Iris
Bouquet of Peonies and Iris

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Peonies
Bouquet of Peonies

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Roses and Nasturtiums
Bouquet of Roses and Nasturtiums

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Roses and other Flowers
Bouquet of Roses and other Flowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bouquet of Roses
Bouquet of Roses

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bowl of Fruit
Bowl of Fruit

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bowl of Peaches
Bowl of Peaches

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Bowl of Roses
Bowl of Roses

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Broom and other Spring Flowers in a Vase
Broom and other Spring Flowers in a Vase

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Carnations in a Champagne Glass
Carnations in a Champagne Glass

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Carnations

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Charlotte Dubourg
Charlotte Dubourg

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Chrysanthemums

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Chrysanthemums

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Chrysanthemums

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Dahlias

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Dahlias Queens Daisies Roses and Cornflowers
Dahlias Queens Daisies Roses and Cornflowers

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Daisies and Dahlias
Daisies and Dahlias

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Daisies

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Diana and her Handmaidens
Diana and her Handmaidens

Henri Fantin Latour  - paintings - Diverse Flowers
Diverse Flowers

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Henri Fantin Latour - paintings

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