Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Eugene de Blaas - Paintings

Eugen de Blaas, whose father and brother also were recognized artists, was a portrait and genre painter of the Venetian Classicism.
Born on July 24, 1843 in Albano Laziale, Rome.
Died on February 10, 1931 in Venice.
Before attending the academies in Venice and in Rome, Eugen de Blaas was trained in the typical Venetian painting by his father Karl de Blaas. In addition to several study trips where he travelled to France and Belgium, he also maintained friendly relationships with Viennese artistic circles that made him a member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus in 1876. Eugen de Blaas mainly lived and worked in Venice where he - just as his father - becomes a professor at the Academy. The artist became best known for his very colorful display of Venetian fishermen and everyday scenes. In addition, his portraits are very popular. In accordance with family tradition, also his son Julius de Blaas was educated by his father to become a painter.
Eugene de Blaas

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - A Portrait of a Young Lady
A Portrait of a Young Lady

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - A Pensive Moment
A Pensive Moment

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - A Viennese Beauty
A Viennese Beauty

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - A Young Beauty
A Young Beauty

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - At the Well
At the Well

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - An Affectionate Glance
An Affectionate Glance

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - An Elegant Lady
An Elegant Lady

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Catch of the Day
Catch of the Day

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Daydreaming

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Daydreaming

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Die Wassertraegerin
Die Wassertraegerin

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Far Away Thoughts
Far Away Thoughts

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Flirtation at the Well
Flirtation at the Well

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Fruit Vendor
Fruit Vendor

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Gathering Shells
Gathering Shells

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Gods Creatures
Gods Creatures

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Head of a Young Boy
Head of a Young Boy

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - In the Water
In the Water

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Lisa

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Maedchen mit Granataepfeln
Maedchen mit Granataepfeln

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Portrait of a Young Girl
Portrait of a Young Girl

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Musette

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - On the Balcony
On the Balcony

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - On the Beach
On the Beach

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Portrait of a Boy
Portrait of a Boy

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Portrait of a Venetian Lady
Portrait of a Venetian Lady

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Portrait of Women
Portrait of Women

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Shared Correspondance
Shared Correspondance

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Eavesdropper
The Eavesdropper

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Flirtation
The Flirtation

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Friendly Gossips
The Friendly Gossips

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Fruit Seller
The Fruit Seller

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Milkmaid
The Milkmaid

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The New Suitor
The New Suitor

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Pearl Necklace
The Pearl Necklace

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Rose
The Rose

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Seamstress
The Seamstress

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - The Yellow Shawl
The Yellow Shawl

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - Two Children
Two Children

Eugene de Blaas - paintings - unknown

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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Eugene de Blaas - paintings

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